Friday, January 11, 2019

Heresy Era Word Bearers and World Eaters - The Shadow Crusade kicks into high gear!

The Heresy train has no brakes, and over the last month I've not only been cranking out Blackstone Fortress and Necromunda models, but also feverishly working on my Shadow Crusade force of Word Bearers and World Eaters! The original intention was to take a Word Bearers primary detachment with some World Eater allies to Adepticon in March, but due to a misunderstanding of the event that I signed up for, it turns out that the Word Bearers are a no-go. Turns out the event I signed up for is actually intended to be a Great Crusade era event, which means that the heavily-corrupted Word Bearers I have are thematically inappropriate (as all that chaos-y nonsense didn't happen until later in the Heresy), but more to the point, they're all in the wrong livery which is, as we all know, really inexcusable. Nevertheless, I pulled out the force to snap a quick pic of where things stand (minus the dreads and Sicaran Venator as they're not fully done)!

While that set me back on my heels a bit, I'm not one to give up so easily. Suddenly what was going to be a little 500 point allied detachment of World Eaters is now slated to become a fully-realized 3000 point army, and I have less than three months to accomplish it. Eep! Nevertheless, I've set to with gusto and have the first two squads nearing completion.

Pretty jazzed with how they're coming along thus far, still gotta get some weathering and blood spatter on 'em, as well as buy and paint up enough bases for the expanded scope of the force. So much to do!

I've more or less settled on a list for Adepticon, though some further tweaking will no doubt occur. While I don't intend to take the Angriest Ron with me to the event (hence why the list is 400 points over in the chart above), I do plan on painting up both him and Lorgar for the now ridiculously-sized Shadow Crusade force. 7000 points combined isn't too much, right?


  1. Oh my! That will be a lot of minis!!! If anyone can do it in such a short time , you can!
    The word bearers are looking really good, and the eaters and coming along very nicely too :)

    1. Indeed - It's going to be a huge pile of heresy once the dust settles!

  2. That’s a bummer, but at the speed you churn out armies you’ll have it done by Sunday!... Erm, if it’s early HH, are you swapping out the MKVII helmets later? Or just saying they are MKV without bonding studs?

    1. Hah! Here's hoping! Aye, a little odd on the Mk.VII/Quasi Sarum helms, but comparatively speaking it's going to have to do. At the most anal, I should really only use Mk.II armour, but in the end the force is intended to be late heresy Shadow Crusade and the World Eaters are better positioned for Crusade-era crossover gaming than the Word Bearers are! :)

  3. Ohh, World Eaters? NOW you have my attention :)

    The Word Bearers are looking great -- love the fact that you have managed to complete your Argel Tal conversion (and feeling bad now for not having painted mine yet). Too bad you cannot use them as intended. That being said, your World Eaters recipe is looking great, so this should be good! Keep up the excellent work! :)

    1. Thanks man! So far so good - There was a bit of a stumble when attempting the recipe on the vehicles, but I'm hoping I can save it/play it off as part of the weathering... Doh!

  4. A Great Crusade force of Wurl Eetaz ? That's sooo Kool. Good luck crankin' 'em out on time !

    1. Indeed, the deadline is bearing down on me. Eep!
