I made a couple changes to the intended tournament list, and built the models I needed based on the excellent suggestions I've received. In the Troops choices, I removed the standard bearer from the platoon squad and replaced him with a basic guardsman with a lasgun. I pulled the bolt pistols from all the Sergeants and went with the basic laspistol instead. I then added a Commissar to the 1st squad, so that in missions where I may wish to combine squads, all 30 of them will benefit from his leadership and Stubborn-ness. I also removed the Chimera from the Veterans squad with an eye towards mounting them in a Valkyrie armed with Multiple Rocket Pods and Heavy Bolters (which is about 90% built at the moment). In order to made up the points I removed the Griffon (figuring the Valkyrie will be better at anti-horde anyway) and went with a non-sponson-armed Russ.
It ends up being bang on 1050 points (the extra 50 allowed by virtue of having a psyker (or 7) in the army - a particular of this tourney's rules).
It means that I have a fair bit to paint now - 3 Sergeants, 5 Veterans, both Command Squads, 2 Psykers and the Valkyrie. Should be some fun stuff to paint though, they are all very character-ful miniatures!
Mordian 777th "Meatgrinder" Regiment, V2.0
Command Squad - 185
Commander w/ Plasma Pistol
Regimental Standard
2 Meltagun
Officer of the fleet
Chimera (Multilaser, Heavy Bolter)
Psyker Battle Squad - 145
7 Psykers
1 Overseer
Chimera (Multilaser, Heavy Bolter)
Platoon HQ Squad - 65
Lieutenant w/ Plasma Pistol
2 Meltaguns
1st Infantry Squad - 105
Sergeant w/ Laspistol & Chainsword
Commissar w/ Bolt Pistol
Grenade Launcher
2nd Infantry Squad - 70
Sergeant w/ Laspistol & Chainsword
Grenade Launcher
3rd Infantry Squad - 70
Sergeant w/ Laspistol & Chainsword
Grenade Launcher
Veterans Squad - 105
Sergeant w/ Bolt Pistol & Chainsword
3 Meltaguns
Valkyrie Assault Transport - 140
Multi Laser
Multiple Rocket Pods
Heavy Bolters
Leman Russ - 165
Total: 1050pts
I'll be facing off against Marines and Tyranids next weekend to see how the list fares. I'm going to try to get it all painted by then, but failing that it will all have to be painted prior to the convention in mid August!
I am primarily a casual gamer - I have a smallish group of friends with whom I play 40k and Necromunda with some regularity, and I haven't taken part in a tournament in over ten years. However, I am considering participating in a small tourney being held at GenCon Indy in August, and I've been working on coming up with an appropriate list.
The event description is as follows: "1000 point Rogue Trader Tournament. This is a standard four round - 2 hours a round - tournament using the swiss draw system. Prizes will be awarded for theme, painting, best general, overall winner and sports-person. Only Codex Armies are allowed, Blood Angels are legal. Armies including a psycher[sic] get 50 bonus points."
I've sent the organizer an email regarding the use of Forge World kits (as my Chimeras are all armed with Autocannons or twin-linked Heavy Bolters), but in the short term I'm assuming the answer is no, and plan to make some multilaser turrets for my Chimeras.
Here's my tentative list:
Mordian 777th "Meatgrinder" Regiment
Command Squad - 185
Commander w/ Plasma Pistol
Regimental Standard
2 Meltagun
Officer of the fleet
Chimera (Multilaser, Heavy Bolter)
Psyker Battle Squad - 135
7 Psykers
1 Overseer
Chimera (Multilaser, Heavy Bolter)
Platoon HQ Squad - 220
Lieutenant w/ Plasma Pistol
Commissar w/ Power Fist
Standard Bearer
2 Meltaguns
1st Infantry Squad - 72
Sergeant w/ Bolt Pistol & Chainsword
Grenade Launcher
2nd Infantry Squad - 72
Sergeant w/ Bolt Pistol & Chainsword
Grenade Launcher
3rd Infantry Squad - 72
Sergeant w/ Bolt Pistol & Chainsword
Grenade Launcher
Veterans Squad - 160
Sergeant w/ Bolt Pistol & Chainsword
3 Meltaguns
Chimera (Multilaser, Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade)
Leman Russ - 185
Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Griffon Heavy Mortar - 75
Total: 1046, 4pts left to spend
So, for 1050 points, I'll be laying down 59 infantry models, 3 Chimeras, 1 Griffon and 1 Leman Russ. The list is signifiacantly less 'fluffy' than what I usually play and geared more towards being a multi-role force. I removed the medics from the command squads and replaced them with a second melta-gunner (FnP is great, but at 1000 points, those 30 points each are better spent elsewhere), though I kept the standard bearers.
I pulled out the models that I'd intended to use for this force, and came to the realization that there are certain models that will need to be built for this list - several of my current infantry squad sergeants are armed with weapons no longer allowed in the 5th ed Codex, and as such I'll need to build a couple new sergeants armed with bolt pistols and chainswords. Similarly, I only have one veteran meltagun trooper built for the squad at the moment, so two more need to be built, as well as a couple more basic lasrifle-armed veterans to fill in for the heavy weapons team the squad usually contains, but I passed on to save points in this list.
I'll hopefully be testing the list against a couple different armies over the upcoming 4th of July weekend, we'll see how it fares.
I'm definitely interested in comments and suggestions on the list - as I'd said I've not participated in a tourney in a long, loooong time, so I'm unsure what I should be preparing for. I tried to make the list capable of handling both heavy infantry and hordes, though things like Land Raiders may give me trouble if I can't bring the meltaguns to bear...
Following the father's day festivities, I managed to finish off the alternate Leman Russ this afternoon:
I also took a quick shot of the Charon alongside a standard Leman Russ. It's a little shorter in height but the overall hull is a bit more bulky than the regular version.
Finally I pulled out all the proxy/custom tanks and did a group shot. I'm planning on doing up another pair of the Griffons as well as at least another two of the Wyvern pattern Chimeras.
I'm working on a tournament list for GenCon, and it came to my attention that the tourney rules state any conversions must be made primarily from GW parts. As such, my King Russ pattern tanks are disallowed, being resincast models. While I do have a single standard Leman Russ, I thought it would be fun to make up an alternate version to better match the theme of the Wyvern-pattern Chimeras, the Griffon and other proxy/counts-as vehicles I've made. I ran across a neat combination of Chimera and Leman Russ kits a while back, and thought I'd try my hand at something similar. I opened up the Closet Of Doom and pulled out the vehicle bits box to see what I could come up with...
I started off with the undercarriage from the leman russ kit, and added on the snall bulkhead piece that is usually used in making a Basilisk to make an offset similar to the Macharius. I glued on the leman russ top hull, and filled in the bottom gap with a piece of plasticard (not pictured).
For the sides, I built up the standard Chimera left and right track sections (after significant searching through the bits boxes to find the appropriate parts), and used my Dremel to sand off the interior hull guides and the hatch combings on the exterior. I cut down the side armor plates a bit with the intention of using them to butt up against the side sponsons.
Once everything was sanded down, I glued the hull to the track units. The Leman Russ hull sits a little higher than the track units in the middle, but I intended to cover the gap with some track guards.
I assembled the tracks and track guards, which managed to cover the gap nicely. I also replaced the standard hull-mounted lascannon with one from the guard heavy weapons teams sprues.
I had a pair of assembled heavy bolter sponsons left over from an older project, which fit on the sides over the sanded-down hatch covers nicely. In the short term I'm planning on using the turret from the standard Leman Russ I have assembled and painted, though I'm thinking I'll eventually pick up a Ryza pattern turret from Forge World (or eBay if I can find one), as it's a little more streamlined and I think it may better suit the model. All in all it was a bit more work sanding and fitting than the recent Griffon proxy tank, but it ended up looking pretty decent. It stands a little shorter in profile than a standard Russ, but it is also a little wider, so I think it balances out in the end. I settled on calling it the Charon pattern, but I'm not 100% sold on the name. I'll have to dig out the Big Book of Mythological Creatures and see if I can find a better name that hasn't already been used...
I managed to get a quick game of 40k in over the past weekend, and decided to give one of my 'boutique' armies a try for a change. I'd built a smallish (1625 point) Crimson Fists assault-themed army as an allied force for the Mordian 7th, with the intent that they would supply a rapid-response force capable of engaging and succeeding in close combat - as opposed to the guard who engage and are subsequently horribly killed in close combat!
Upon initial deployment only the dreadnought, the combat squad of sternguard veterans and the razorback (containing the command squad) are placed on the table. After the opponent sets up, the scouts (carrying a teleport homer) infiltrate. In turn one, the drop pod carries the tactical squad into battle, and in subsequent turns the assault squad deep strikes down near the locator beacon carried by the drop pod. Similarly, the terminators teleport in near the teleport homer carried by the scouts. During this time the razorback has raced forward and deployed the command squad within striking distance of the enemy.
Of course, using this army against my friend's similarly-assault-themed blood angels meant that the entire battle took place in a roughly 2'x2' section of the table, as everything both armies had teleported or deep striked into the fray. It was a brutal, close-fought battle, with massive casualties on both sides. The Blood Angels won the day through superior cheesemongering (though my opponent pretends to call it 'tactics'), but all in all it was a very entertaining battle.
I'll likely bounce back and forth between painting a unit of guard and a unit of Crimson Fists over the next month or so. I'm hoping to get these marines finished and sold before my trip out to GenCon this summer...
I completely forgot to post the pictures of the Defense Line turrets I'd painted last week. Pretty simple overall, but I like the models. I'm thinking about ordering another trio, they'll certainly come in handy for the upcoming Planetstrike expansion!
I've been working on some objective markers for the Mordian 7th as well, though I only have one of them painted up thus far, a command holo-tank for use as an objective set up in my deployment zone. It's a little hard to tell what it is from the pictures, but there's a little Eldar weapons platform and gunner from the epic range showing in the tank.
I have a couple more objectives in the build stage, one with an injured messenger carrying a set of orders, and a supply dump. All of them are built on 60mm bases which gives me some room to make up fun little vignettes.
Took some time this afternoon to do some painting and knocked out the proxy Griffon. While I was at it I also painted up a Destroyer I'd built based on an old beat up Leman Russ chassis. Not my best conversion work by a long shot, but it's servicable I suppose.
I really should have done more with the barrel, I may end up replacing it with something more interesting looking in the future. It's been unusually cloudy for the last week or so, and the models come out looking a little more blue than they truly are - it's supposed to be rather nice tomorrow, hopefully I can get some better-lit shots...
I stopped by my FLGS this afternoon and picked up a slightly damaged Whirlwind for about half the usual retail price. The Rhino was badly warped, and will end up being terrain fodder, but the launcher was intact. I had been reading the Adeptus Arbites codex from BoLS, and the Black Maria caught my eye. I thought about making one, but I subsequently thought that it would be more useful to use the bits to make a proxy of some sort instead, as it would be easier to justify as part of my guard army. That being the case I decided to use the launcher to make a vehicle that I will use as a proxy Griffon.
By happy coincidence, the panel that the Whirlwind launcher ordinarily attaches to is exactly the same width as the main hull of the Chimera, once turned sideways. A small strip of plasticard was sufficient to cover the gap left over when slotted into the top of the Chimera, other than that the whole kit went together almost as if it was designed to do so!
On the back side I used a couple pieces from the standard Chimera kit which fit almost perfectly, all I had to do was trim off a couple protrusions. I added a rear hatch and a few bits of stowage here and there to cover up some of the open spaces.
In game, I plan on using the model as a proxy Griffon with the armored crew compartment upgrade. I chose the Griffon as the range, template size and damage were all roughly similar to that of the Whirlwind's Vengeance missile option, though the griffon does hit slightly harder (Strength 6 as opposed to Strength 5). I dry fit both missile pod options, and though technically the Vengeance missiles are the larger of the two missile options, I felt the smaller missiles in their racks looked better when mounted to the Chimera chassis.
A super simple conversion, I'll have to make another pair to fill out the squadron!
As I've mentioned in the past, I'm slooooowly working on putting together an Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator army based on the fine work over at the Tempus Fugitives site. One of the heavy support options in their Cult Mechanicus army list is the Genetor Biologis Land Crawler - "Based around the same STC that Arkhan Land used when developing the Land Raider, the Land Crawler is built as a mobile Genetor Biologis laboratory. Usually it collects samples from various subdued populations; however in time of open conflict its large manipulator claws are quite capable of collecting samples in multiple parts rather than wholly intact..." - Codex Cult Mechanicus, S. Mackaness
A friend of mine made a decent start of a Mechanicus army at one point, and had subsequently sold me a large chunk of the models. One of which was the beginnings of a Land Crawler, utilizing several Forge World wall panels and symbols.
I've cleaned it up a little bit, and I'm gathering bits to finish it off - I've built a pair of claws (though I'm still figuring out how and where I want to mount them), and I'm working on a dissection table to go in the rear area, using various servo-arm bits and greenstuff. Not super high on my priority list of things to work on of course, but as I was fiddling around with it a few days ago and was taking pictures of the guard models, I figured I'd start documenting the build process...
Still working on building the proxy rough riders on Hornet motorcycles and I snapped a quick picture after primering the few I've managed to assemble. I decided to change up the hunting lances based on a post by John and Mike over at Santa Cruz Warhammer seeing as I had a number of rokkit bits left over from the Ork sprues.
At the moment I only have six of the ten models built for the first squad, as I ran out of the plastic rod I was using for the lances. The end result will be seven lancers, two meltaguns and the sergeant, and I intend to build a second squad once I have a chance to place an order with Ramshackle Games for another 10.
Lastly I'm planning on using a slightly modified version of one of the single-cast bikes with integral riders to create a proxy Mogul Kamir miniature that is better suited to the history of the Mordian 7th Regiment.The fellow that runs Ramshackle Games threw this miniature in with my order due to a slight delay in shipping, and with the addition of a helmet and removal of some of the more egregious 'evil' bits I think it'll work. I'm working on a suitable bit of fluff to explain his looks and equipment as they relate to the Mogul Kamir rules.
I've never been too keen on the use of special characters in smaller games of 40k, defined to me as anything less than 4000 points. I will admit however that stems from years of playing 2nd edition a.k.a. Herohammer, wherein it seemed an entire army could be wiped from the table by virtue of a handful of characters (don't even get me started on the Fantasy rules from that era. There's a reason I don't play WFB anymore).
However, I will also admit that the recent trend of characters allowing certain tactics or alternate force organization charts for an army is, at its heart, an equitable way to allow players to inject a little uniqueness to their armies that is otherwise lacking in the 'vanilla' lists. That said, I personally see the characters as presented in the codex's to be mere 'examples' and I enjoy coming up with my own fluff to justify the game mechanics associated with a given character, rather than just telling my opponent "oh yeah, and Lord Castellan Creed, leader of the entire Cadian 8th decided to show up for our skirmish".
To that end, I intend to create a few of my own versions of the special characters in the Imperial Guard codex more suited to the fluff for the Mordian 7th Regiment. I decided to start with a relatively simple project first - everyone's favorite pseudo-Callidus action hero extraordinaire, Sly Marbo. Of course, I wanted to go in an entirely different direction style-wise, and I cast back to the old 2nd edition days for inspiration. I really had no choice in the matter though, there was only one solitary killer from days of old who would do...
The Rogue Trooper. A genetic soldier from the darker days of Nu-Earth, betrayed by the Traitor General, and sworn to revenge for his fallen comrades. Swift, silent, and deadly, the Rogue Trooper carried with him the memory chips of three of his dead squadmates, each capable of offering advice, warnings, and the occasional bit of comedy.
The model is predominantly Catachan bits and a Cadian head, though in retrospect he ended up being a bit more 'burly' than the Rogue Trooper is generally portrayed.
As there was just two models to paint (see below) I was able to bang them both out after work today. Fairly straightforward paintjob really - green fatigues, leather boots, pouches and helmet, and the trademark blue skin and yellow eyes. From a gameplay perspective he has all the special rules that Marbo does, I simply justify them differently - for example, he's not armed with a ripper pistol, but rather Gunnar his trusty rifle (bearing the chip of one of his old squadmates). However, in game it has the exact same statline.
Of course, if I'm going to make a Rogue Trooper, I'm more or less obligated to make the Traitor General. My intention is that any time I take the Rogue Trooper, my opponent would be given (at no additional points cost) a Company Commander (armed with a plasma pistol and powerfist, but without a supporting command squad) to represent the Traitor General. If the Rogue Trooper manages to kill him however, he counts as double the associated victory point/kill points/whatever we're using to keep score in a given game.
In order to keep things sporting, the Rogue Trooper may not deploy within 12" of the Traitor General when using his "He's behind you!" rule. The Rogue Trooper may enter play within 1" of any other enemy model as normal.
Now I realize that I'm mixing my universes here, but for a short period, GW was liscened to distribute a Rogue Trooper game, so it's ever-so-slightly canon! The other special characters I'm working on are much more true to the fluff of the Mordian 7th Regiment - but as Marbo is so over the top, I felt his proxy model needs a bit of 'flair' as well!
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Altdorf kept pushing south til we reached the ruins of Xaultepec, a long
Angels Vengeance
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be working on next. I enjoyed the Emperor's Children but the sad part is
they ...
+ inload: Eldar Titans in Adeptus Titanicus +
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Designer's notes +
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[image: Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad]
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Just a quick post today to share some progress I have made on my Deathwing
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gangers, I decided that I needed a bigger gang. So I took some of the
duplicate gange...
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SHED 2.0 (part 1)
Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity ever since the covid lockdown
lifted my gaming crew have convened almost exclusively at Otty's in his
shed. A ...
Terrain Showcase- Tau WTC ruins
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club. These were from Corvus Games Terrain and printed by one of the club
These guys have been on my to do list for a long time. Initially I did not
like the idea of the Obliterators, and the first iteration of the models
Skeleton Command and Armies on Parade
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September 28, not in mid-to-late October as I had thought. So, I've got
some choi...
Flames of the Ruinstorm
Age of Darkness Ruinstorm Daemon army
The entire Daemonic horde so far!
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hosted by...
Murders & Acquisitions
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hey, at least I do have something to share with you, even if it's just a
small pro...
Like dogs, only scaly, and bitier…
And so finally we come to the end of the Travelodge minis:
A pair of… drakes? I think one is an ambush drake, the other I’m not sure
The family ...
Rogue Trader Blood Angels - Oldhammer
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in the style of White Dwarf circa 1992. These chaps are destined for my
Oh Rah Troopers with Drones
Another squad of troopers, backed up by a pair of drones. The drones are
prepainted Gundam models I picked up from my local comic shop. they size
Valhallan advances further into the city
The Commissar’s foot jolted away from the crunching of the icon. These
people had been devout once. This city was the religious epicentre of What ...
Aeldari Voidscarred Corsair, Part Two
Painting the Felarch
As the first model of this project, the Felarch sets the overall colour
palette and character for the rest of the models in the Corsa...
Celestial Lions Chaplain (Part 1)
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edition Kill Team to a small force with just enough models to fill out 750
Il-Kaithe Guardian Defender Squad is complete!
All ready to get obliterated at the enemy's earliest possible convenience!
Well, I milked this squad for all they were worth, now didn't I? (4) posts ...
Alpha strike
This past weekend I was invited to P's house to play a game of Alpha
strike. Alpha strike is a quicker variant of Battletech, which instead of
hexes has...
Back in the system.
Hello again and welcome to Inso's World.
I have a bit of an announcement... after about two-and-a-half years away
from paid work, I am finally employed...
Mengapa Anda Resign Dari Tempat Kerja Sebelumnya
Alasannya bisa macam-macam, dari jenuh pada pekerjaan lama, beban kerja
yang tak lagi manusiawi, atau karena alasan personal misalnya menikah.
Resign jug...
British Highlanders WIP
I'm really pleased with how these turned out. Normally during painting
there is an ugly phase where it just doesn't feel like the model is going
to lo...
Röknauts Revolution - Bikers and new units
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northern hemisphere), I'm only just on holidays with house works stalling
Nagash: Supreme Lord of the Undead
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guy deserved a post of his very own. That's right, it's Nagash, the Supreme
Capybara picture frame diorama
Here is a picture frame diorama I made for my girlfriend for her birthday.
Capybara in a jungle setting, something which I'd planned on making for a
long ...
Woodworking - Star Wars Death Star Box on Lathe
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Once I had the sphere made into a box (I won't explain that, many youtube
February 2024 Gamesday
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build up to March's apocalypse finale to our Terico Prime series set in the...
DreadTober AU Redux Finale
Presenting the God of Wind, the preferred Mech of Star Captain Enni Bekker,
commander of the 43rd Striker Trinary, 50th Striker Cluster, Ghost Bear
Alpha G...
WIP Emperor's Children (30K)
var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-16305859-1']);
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga =
#Dreadtober 2023 – Redemptor
It is here again.... Dreadtober! Some call it Orktober and relish in the
carnage of unleashing the green hordes. But for me it is Dreadtober through
and ...
Back to the obscure: Rogue Trader 40k Minotaurs!
If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you'll know I'm probably
one of the most pointlessly contrary gamers out there. I'm drawn to unloved
Fuck Elon
Once upon a time this guy was some one to look up to. Fuckin not anymore.
I called him my hero. No mas.
Delete twitter.
Buy a Rivian. Or some other h...
Grot Guard 2023 - Arks of Omen 2,000pts Army
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my Grot Guard for the third time, and brought my current 2,000pt list for
SLUDGE - Video Montage!
A few weeks ago my gaming group had their annual Big Game which has been
renamed recently to D-Con.
We've shifted from having one large 40k game in a ...
Terrain - show case
I though I would share a few images of the completed set of terrain for the
paper and card barn, trees and field.
The set looks pretty good considering h...
Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K.) Specter
Have some nice photos of some newer models. Posting them here because why
not? First up is a resin garage kit from the Maschinen Krieger Universe.
More Figs!
Clearly, I'm not keeping up as well as I could. So, here's a Barbarian
Warrior and...
...and a Barkeep.
I think these are both Reaper Miniatures. ...
Terrain - Ruins
Recently, I've been picking up the occasional issue of Imperium magazine
when ever there's something space marine or terrain flavoured on the front.
Heresy!! of the Horus type
Yep I caught the hype train and no I'm not dead!!
More after the break.
Having bought the starter box set I decided to paint the "Loyalist" half as
Moving To Twitter
It's been a couple of years since I posted on this blog. Reflecting
recently on what I was doing ten years ago, I realised it was around that
time I starte...
This time, I blame my hobby inactivity squarely on FromSoftware's magnum
opus: 'Elden Ring'.
Assassins Creed, Cyberpunk, Fallout, Skyrim, Horizon Zero D...
“Where is ADB?”
More accurately, how is ADB? In short, he’s great. But more on that in a
moment. Lately, I’ve been asked about a bajillion times where I’ve vanished
to, an...
Imperial Fists Praetor
With the pending release of HH2.0 there is a bit of a stir the 'A Galaxy in
Flames' camp. For me its a review and revamp of my HQ at the moment,
Imperial Fists - Rogal Dorn
Todays post is about my paint job of the Rogal Dorn. He has been a
favourite character of mine since the very earliest days of the Horus
Heresy story. ...
Out on the banks of a river...
Over on DakkaDakka there's a regular terrain challenge that I've started
to take part in thanks to the modular boards. While most people take the
Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders
The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I
purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos
Dwarf a...
Titan Dwarf army reinforced
*To be truly complete, my Titan Dwarf army for 15mm-scale Sláine Hordes of
the Things will need a Stronghold (I'm going to model a mine entrance
Confronting The Pile Of Shame
When I heard that Salute was on for November this year, I got very excited…
no seriously, like so over-the-top excited I nearly had a fit. My first
Necron Kill Team Table Giveaway - Easy to Enter
Nick speaking,
Time for a Necron Kill Team Table Giveaway. This custom made Kill Team set
was donated to me for a Giveaway by a very awesome subscriber of ...
2020 a year in review
To say that this year has been a bumpy ride, with lots of things going on
is an understatement.
So before I start on the mayhem that was 2020 take a mom...
Showcase Genestealer Cult Mining Colony
Hi All,
So what did Doc do after completing his Dreadtober so quick?
Answer decided to tackle an insane amount of terrain.
So why didn't Doc share W...
226 - Merry Christmas and on to 2021!
Image used without permissionHappy Christmas Eve everyone!And an early
Merry Christmas for tomorrow.I hope that you and your families are all ok
as we come...
List Review - the 'All-comers'
Greetings all, after re-starting my blog last month, I have decided to
embark on a big project - reviewing the Codex Adeptus Astartes - all the
way thro...
Hi again!
The summer wasn't a particularly productive period from a hobby
perspective, but once the cold autumn winds started to blow things have
Blogging about Space Hulk
Written by Ron Saikowski, October 10, 2020I've decided to start blogging
and sharing my Space Hulk material. Space Hulk: Boarding Mission Space Hulk
has al...
Review: Mierce Miniatures Mantichora
Back in the summer I was tempted by a pre-order on Mierce Miniatures for
the new Mantichora, from their Darklands range. This huge beast finally
arrived ...
Adeptus Titanicus AT18 Narrative Campaign System
I have recently produced a narrative campaign system for Games Workshop's
Adeptus Titanicus (AT18). You can find it here:
Thanks For The Memories!
I had a series of table top build & paints lined up, but instead I've made
a hard decision...
This blog is pretty much dead from the stats and comments...
9th Ed GT Missions Breakdown - Secondaries
Greetings, all! Today I'm going to break down the Secondary missions from
the 9th Ed GT pack and give my initial impressions. Biggest caveat being,
this is...
The Murder Hornet
Waaaaaaaaaay behind on keeping up her. Sorry, folks. So I've got several
projects going. The biggest, which is now complete, has been work on the
house. I...
Age of Sigmar: Tale of 4 Gamers
Well, not exactly. Managed to get Sam, YC and Defeng out for an AoS game
after a year of not playing this game. Maybe even more. GW still makes the
best mi...
Miniatures Without Borders raffle
A quick note to say get yourself over to the excellent raffle set up by
Echoes of Imperium. All proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders. The collab
between ...
February Progress
I've made some hobby progress so far, but haven't gotten any models
I did make a painting chart and inventory of my Drukhari. So 50% of one of
The End
Dear All,
For those who enjoyed reading my blog and to those who still occasionally
come looking for new content, I first of all want to say thank you to ...
Astropolis Enginarium Crew
Another group of Astropolis crew members, this time the the crew of the
mighty ship's Enginarium. No starndard GW techpriest here, although I'm
looking aro...
WilhelMiniatures on Etsy!
Hello everyone!
It's been a while since the last update, and I've been working on a few
interesting things since then. The thing I'm most exited about ...
Kings Clash
This weekend was a spectacular Songapalooza event, where A Song of Ice and
Fire was played almost non stop for 3 days!
The primary goal was to test out...
Nova Open 2019: New Looted Knights!
Hey everyone! Hope you are all doing fantastic, and are super excited for
the upcoming Nova Open! I know I am! I've been horrible with updating the
Necromunda: House Cawdor looted Ambot
Seemingly, I couldn't resist the lure of splitting a box of Ambots with my
mate Andy GI. These things look great.
At the time of building and painting, I'...
Necron Kill Team - Done!
The kill team is done! The leader and the veteran joined the crew. The
green tubes and glows were a joy to paint and now with the new Kill Team
Elites r...
Passing Nadir Point
April has been a Nadir Month in our household's present trajectory. The
good thing about elliptical orbits is that we have to eventually come back.
Tale of Five Gamers- Call of the Brayherd
So my beastmen project is inspired by the original Tale of Four Gamers,
with my army choice and colour scheme being shamelessly taken from Paul
Sawyers bea...
Monster Rider (4)
Hi all,
finally an update!
I was blocked by some health issues and then catching back up with
real-life work.
But now I finally have some time at hand.
JSA - Yojimbo!!
He has a name you just have to shout every time you activate him! The mad
motorcycle monster himself, Yojimbo!
The JSA have very limited amounts of smoke a...
Norse Giant
Evening all! My last post was an update on my 3rd edition Warhammer Norse
army, and I mentioned in it that I had a Norse Giant on the way - well,
here he ...
Quick post of models
Lots to paint up - quick list of that then a bunch of stuffs.
Nothing much - Plastic Dudesmen #5, articles, etc
Build this ad mech guy for stream paint
292: One Force all, and all Force One
Here is my generic marines force, purposefully designed to be as "generic"
as possible, allowing maximum flexibility to field a force from any of the
What's that smell? The Nurgle Rotters Rumble in
The Nurgle Rotters
Hello everyone!
Long time no see once again but here I am slowly but surely steadily adding
content to this probably long forgotten...
Underhive Board
For absolutely ages I've been hankering after a new board. The one i
currently have, which you may have seen in my battle blogs, is perfectly
serviceable b...
Real Life and Productus Interuptus
So if you're still reading thanks. You'll already know the updates have
been lacking. As my kids have gotten older and busier, hobby time has been
Project Dark Mechanicum – Adepticon 2019
After Adepticon 2018, even though we had one “interesting” game there 😉 ,
we decided to embark on our 2019 Adepticon project – Dark Mechanicum!
Riffing of...
The French Fleet at Cherbourg 1904
My last post was a look at the Battle of Cherbourg game that we played a
few weeks ago, I thought I'd take a look at the French fleet with this one.
Just 1 Day Left for 13 Fantasy Worlds!
Best-seller Kevin J. Anderson and award-winner Cat Rambo headline the Myths
& Legends Fantasy Bundle on StoryBundle.com, a huge bundle of 13 fantasy
Tankageddon Painting Complete!
A couple weeks overdue, but here are a few photos of what I managed to get
done for the LGT. All of the below was painted in the space of two weeks!
A few ...
The end is nigh...
You might have noticed that I've not been positing as often lately, and
when I have posted, my hobby progress has been pretty minimal. Well, I
Infinity - WarCor
In Infinity the Game, WarCors are the War Correspondents that travel the
Human Sphere and report the goings-on from the front lines. WarCors are
also the e...
Simple Chequer Patter Painting Tutorial
I wanted to add some variety to the armour panels on the Questoris Knights.
Looking at a few different ways to do this, I settled on a chequer pattern
for ...
Things are rumbling along!
So, the launch of the Kickstarter for my book ARMIES & LEGIONS & HORDES
went off with a bang! It funded in three hours, and has continued to go
great gu...
I got the lot of these monopose dwarfs new in box years ago and with the
changes to the Generals Handbook, taking a brick of 40 dwarfs is almost
feasible, ...
AGGTG Is Closing Down...
Hi Readers,
Its been a few months since i've posted on here, but as usual, i haven't
been idle. However, during that time i got to thinking long and ha...
Forge World to Release Horus Heresy Rulebook
The Horus Heresy gets a rulebook!
*From Forge World:*
Get ready to return to the 31st Millennium with the new Horus Heresy Age of
Darkness Rulebook,...
Completed Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017
Despite this being one of the busiest months I’ve had in a long while, I
have managed to finish the Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017. Adding another
Completed Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017
Despite this being one of the busiest months I’ve had in a long while, I
have managed to finish the Deff Dread for Dreadtober 2017. Adding another
12th legion Angry Boiz
While working on the noble lads of the azure 13th, I was also expanding the
footprint of their temperamental cousins in the 12th. At this point this is
my ...
Blog Hiatus
Hello blog readers,
You may have noticed a lack of posts over the last year or so. The
blogosphere is changing. Viewership and comments on blogs are decreas...
Conan: Bêlit, Queen of the Black Coast
Bêlit is the eponymous character from Queen of the Black Coast, and is
Conan's first real love (of only two). She's a pirate queen, terrorizing
the South...
Eldar Wraithguard
I finally finished this guy after so many months. He had been sitting
mostly done for months. Just sitting there mocking me. The major
motivating fa...
More hobby progress.
Hi guys, Well it's not be the weather for it lately in sunny Leeds but I
have been slowly working on my breachers, not a lot but getting
there.....no real...
Inq28 - More Servo Skulls
On a roll from finishing my Helbrute I thought I'd crack on and paint up
the next 3 servo skulls I made for my inquisitoral warband last year.
First up a...
Taurox Prime progress
GW has refined the detail on its minis. This is a good thing but with the
Taurox Prime it it has been impossible to hinge any of the doors to allow
The Garage is on Facebook
I've decided to make a Facebook page for the Garage. Eventually, I may
transition completely to a social media page. I feel it's easier to manage
and will ...
It's half term. Which means this is happening: It also means that I'll be
trying to do something geeky. I still cant even begin to contemplate
anything 40k...
Warhammer 30k Imperial Fists
So this is one of those, "I'm not dead posts". I have been away from
blogging for a while. I thought I'd share my recent 30k bug. I have
always wanted t...
News for Salute 2017
We have four new kit who arrive recently and who will be available to
Salute 2017 and on the shop today !
First good new foor the day !
3 new kits to upg...
094. WIP Nurgle Chaos Marine Kill Team...
Ray suggested we head into the re-launched 'Warhammer' Adelaide store this
coming weekend to try out the new Shadow Wars (certainly not Necromunda)
Vulkan Lives!
Well. Let me tell you what happened to me.
This is a PSA for anyone who lives anywhere where it rains. I'm going to do
everything I can to make sure that t...
Showcase of my Iron Warriors HORUS HERESY 30K
As I showed you a post before, Last year I bought a beaten up old land
raider MK1, yes!
One year ago but in all honestly I havent had time to even start the...
Are you M. Taylor of Cardiff? If so, we have lost touch and need urgently
to regain such. I have your models you see, the work is done and all that
is nee...
Death Company
I have already done one post about my DC, but I finally got back to
finishing them off. One of the hardest things to remember is what colours
you have used...
October Painting Contest at Kirton Games
I've been bullied into posting! Kirton Games is staging a Painting Contest
this month, on the theme of Warhammer! Its a bit of an experiment, but
theres a ...
Laser Cut Card Doors and Windows
I used a couple of these great door and widow kits from Laser Cut Card on a
couple of card stock boxes from Hobby Lobby. The effect is great and I will
Bit by bit, man I need some bitz!
I have not had a lot of time to paint, still assembling all those little
things that makes it easier to do conversions (ah, the lament for a decent
bitz bo...
Infinity Tables @ AdeptiCon 2016!
Just a quick post up to show everyone the tables that were played on at
AdeptiCon this year for Infinity!
The terrain at AdeptiCon for Infinity never...
Epic Titans
Another random project I have going on, I won a warlord for "cheap" on
eBay, and that began my slow descent into addiction.
Two warhounds followed, obvio...
Pardon My Dust
If you visit here with any regularity, you'll have noticed a lack of
actual, you know, website or anything. Sorry about that.
The website is getting a face...
A little X-Wing on Labor Day
Greetings once again InterWebs!!! It has been a crazy time lately here in
Colorado, my health battles continue with another surgery looming on
Thursday thi...
I've been an avid follower of 40k since the original days of Rogue Trader. Back in 1988 I picked up my first copy of the rulebook and good old RTB01 - the box of plastic beaky space marines and the rest as they say is history. 30 years later I'm still playing with little army men... And enjoying every minute of it!