Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Heresy Era World Eaters - The Angriest of Rons

I managed to survive Adepticon and had an absolute blast! Tons of work piled up while I was away however and I haven't had time to upload all the thoughts and pictures from the event. That doesn't mean I haven't gotten any hobby time in though! One of the things I'd picked up in the dealer room while out in Chicago was the primarch of the World Eaters, Angron! I couldn't wait to get stuck in with him, and I had a blast painting him up!

 In looking at the pictures one always finds things to improve. At this blown-up scale the freehand work is pretty ropy, I'm thinking I need to go back over them with some weathering to cover some of the more egregious sloppy bits and give them a bit more hammered and beaten look, but overall I'm quite pleased with how this mentalist turned out!

Hoping to get a post-adepticon pic dump up soon, turns out I took over 200 pictures so it's taking a bit to go through 'em!


  1. Weathering...yesss Joel...YESSSSS!!!!

    I think this looks fantastic!

    1. Cheers bud! Aye, they need a bit more messin' up! :D

  2. Things to improve?!? There's dead and dying Smurfs all over this thing, what's to improve???

    1. Hmm... Obviously the answer is more dead smurfs! Hah!

  3. One of the coolest versions I've seen of him! Something about the way you did the face is reminding me of some old comic book, but I can't place it. I just have an image of the panel in my mind.

    1. Mau it be the Doom Guy from the Doom comic? It is actually quite approppriate, as he coined the ohrase "Rip and tear!" which basically defines Angron. Here's a link:

  4. I just thank the Chaos Gods that you didn't give him eye liner. Excellent work!

    1. Haha! He does need his eyebrows threaded, after all!

  5. Give him eyeliner.

    Like in Stargate.
