Tuesday, October 1, 2019

DreadTober Week 1 - Legio Custodes Contemptor-Achillus Built!

It is now October 1st, which means it's time for...


DreadTober! As usual it's time to dive in and build out some big stompy death machines - If you're interested in participating, click the banner above to be taken to the DreadTober blog and sign up for the fun!

I am slowly working towards a Legio Custodes force for a Burning of Prospero game being organized for Adepticon 2020 (so I have some time), so I figured now was a good time to get cracking on the Contemptor-Achillus that is part of the force!


Like all of Forge World's contemptors, the model has a metric ton of articulation points, and was a joy to build! Rather happy with how the arms holding the glaive turned out, though there was more than a little swearing while attempting to line everything up in a realistic manner. Rather looking forward to getting some paint on it over the next few weeks!


  1. Be sure to load your sisters up with crossbows and grenade launchers to bust those nefarious witches!
    I still remember when they killed Magnus turn 1...

    1. Indeed! I just have one squad of Vigilators in the force at the moment, but am considering adding some more!

    2. Excruciatus is you best option for HQ

  2. Great build with a commanding pose. Someone is about to eat some!

  3. The Galitas in my opinion is the better looking one but the rules suck, so awesome job with the Achillius, looks great and the weapon looks natural hold.

    1. Aye, I do dig the shield variant but it's hard to go wrong with a dreadnought-sized guardian spear with a lascannon on it!

  4. Nice posing on a lovely kit mate.

  5. Nice! Will look brilliant when done I'm sure. I'll kick off my challenge tomorrow on my blog.

    1. Excellent! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

  6. Looks great, but resin plus "a metric ton of articulation points" sounds like hell to me, rather than a joy ;)

    I look forward to seeing how it comes along with some paint on it!

    1. Haha! It wasn't the easiest one I've ever built, that's for sure!

    2. The Kytan and the FW Broadsides nearly had me throwing them through the wall. Don't think I could handle something like this or a Cerastus.

  7. You've had a whole day and it isn't painted yet? I am shocked. ;)

    Pose looks well though.

    1. Haha! It is well underway already, many pics to follow!
