Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Eldar - Wraithknight painting continues

Got a bit more brush time in on the Wraithknight yesterday, I'm definitely enjoying working on it!

Laid down the bone color on the weapons and head which consists of a basecoat of leather brown, followed by a layer of bleached bone and a devlan mud wash. Once that dried I went back and re-highlighted in bone. I then went in and picked out a couple areas that I'm intending to be yellow and laid down a hot orange base, but haven't applied the yellow as yet. I think I'm going to keep the yellow fairly minimalist overall - just the vents up top, and some trim work on the hip plates.

After that I went in and blacked in all the umpteen zillion bumps and protuberances that will end up getting the gem treatment, similar to the Wraithlord earlier. There are plenty to do, and some of them are rather large which I think should end up looking pretty cool. The larger size means I can hopefully work in some further color gradients than I was able to do on the itty-bitty ones on the Wraithlord too.

So far so good! In other news, we've managed to get five more tunes recorded with the band so I thought I'd share 'em - check 'em out here!


  1. Looks great! I love the colour of the power plant between the shoulder vanes.

  2. Jeez! What are you, some sort of painting machine???

  3. @Zab: Thanks! I think the green will be an interesting spot color on the back, it's going to get highlighted up to a neon green/yellow (at least that's the plan).

    @Da Masta Cheef: Hah! We're in the sweet spot weather-wise where I can really get some good work done. Spring and Fall definitely are my most productive painting seasons. :)

  4. Very nice. I like the bone weapons and dark blues you have going. The pose looks good too.

  5. I love the blue-stippling on the armored sections; you're getting a lot of cool effects there, especially around the wings (wings? stalks? whatever they are). This army will make a nice compliment to your Mordians.

  6. @Eldaraddict: Thanks! I'm really digging it so far, and I'm already scheming on getting another one. It's a great kit!

    @#2501: I appreciate it! I'm quite pleased with how the sponge stippling worked out. It's definitely been fun exploring some new techniques and colors!

    Cheers guys!

  7. That just looks so fantastic, definintely the best posed and painted one I've seen out there in internet land. Its going to look fantastic with all those gems too.

  8. Loving the Alaitoc Scheme. Very nice so far, and great dynamic posing too!

  9. Great stuff, but seriously, all the lumps as gemstones (spiritstones)?? How many dead guys does it take to pilot this thing? lol.

    When I come back, I want to be a shinguard... ha ha

  10. @Andy - bG: Aw, shucks man! Thanks! it's definitely gonna be gem encrusted, that's for sure!

    @Evan S: I appreciate it! I've had a couple close calls while painting it so far, here's hoping I can make it to the end without accidentally snapping anything off!

    @Siph_Horridus: Hah! The aspect path of the ankle and thighguard just doesn't have quite the ring to it, does it? I'm justifying it to myself that only the big green one in the back is a spiritstone, the rest are just bling. After all them poncy pointy eared gits seem like they'd go all out to make their vehicles extra fancy. :)

    Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

  11. Absolutely loving it. Nicely done!

  12. @a Sent One: I appreciate it! Cheers!

  13. Looks awesome Mordian! I love the movement in the piece

  14. @Musings of a Smurf: Thanks mate! It really is a great kit, with a little cutting you can really get some cool poses out of it!
