Thursday, January 12, 2012

Heresy Era Thousand Sons - Falchion superheavy "Eye of Magnus" complete!

Greetings all! Had a bit of time over the last couple evenings to finish off the detailing on the Falchion-class superheavy "Eye of Magnus" and shot some pics of it over my lunch break while I had some good light.

Went in and did the final highlights on the bone-colored hatches, finished up all the lenses and glowy bits and added in the "XV" markings that I'm adding to all the vehicles to tie them together.

Also cleaned up the various places where I spattered paint here and there, though I realize that I'll still need to go back and clean up the lines on the roman numerals. They're a bit wavy yet. Now if the weather would warm up a bit, I can get it sealed!

While I was about it I pulled out all the miniatures that I'll be taking with me to England for the Tempus Fugitives Age of the Emperor event in early March. All the heavy lifting is done at this point, just need to finish up the detail work on the Whirlwind, and paint up about 20 more infantry. I have a free weekend coming up in a couple days, so all things being equal I'm hoping to have them all done in plenty of time!


  1. Your armys looking cracking mate! Goood work!

  2. Thanks! There's actually quite a bit more to the overall army than what's shown but I've tried to pare down what I'll be taking overseas so I don't have to worry about shipping a huge box of miniatures, and can instead pack it up in a small enough box that I can do a carry-on. Looks like Battlefoam does a transport case specifically designed for carry-on, may be just the thing!

  3. Your army is coming along great man! The super heavy looks awesome, and I'm excited to see what it will all look like once you're done.

  4. That's outstanding work mate! i may have to get a visitors pass to this event just to see them in the flesh.

  5. And thanks for the comment on my blog i've tried to reply but it just crashes my blog for some reason (shruggs sholders)

  6. Yea, looking great! also good to hear you definately will be able to make it... just need to get the rest of the chaps finished in time! hehe!

  7. That's an excellent centerpiece to that army!

  8. Thanks very much folks!

    @Damn The Valley - I'm focusing on the little bit left in the last picture for the event in March, but when it's all said and done the whole army will be about 4k worth of Thousand Sons!

    @Blitzspear - Definitely! I'm really looking forward to the trip, and would definitely stand a round or three to any UK bloggers while I'm over on your side of the pond!

    @Oink - Indeed, time's a-wastin'. Less than six weeks before the trip, I really need to buckle down and get 'em done!

    @Da Masta Cheef - I appreciate it, it's definitely got pride of place in the army!

    Cheers, all!

  9. Looks great! One really badass looking tank!

  10. ohh! All of this stuff is superb. 4k you say! ouch.
    -There seems to be a massive wait on Battlefoam at the moment, so just check that first. (I ordered some stuff in November and it hasn't been shipped yet.)

  11. Looks great, the superheavy turned out nice. I really like the tracks. It definitively look more like a marine associated tank that way

  12. Guys, I'm making the Falchion a 3d model, If you have any more pictures let me know they'll be welcome. I'll keep you posted of my progress. Cheers!

  13. Don't be scared of making lots of chapter markings, they get easier with practice. I freehand all of mine.

    search Poison Angels on Flickr for my work.
