Friday, July 1, 2016

40k Dark Eldar - Wych Cult painting continues, and a NOCF Charity Update!

Quick hit this evening - It was reasonably temperate today and after knocking out the weekly chores around the house I managed to sneak in some brush time and continued work on the Wych cult.

The first step was laying in the gold - definitely adds some definition to the models and helped me find a couple areas of purple and yellow that I'd missed initially, so those got cleaned up as well.

Next up was the dirty white hair and the start of the eyes which really helps frame the faces, then the various gems and agonizer got the green treatment. Once that was on the initial earthtones were added to the various leather bits and the bases, which really help 'em start to pop. Lots of little things to do yet, but at this point I'm liking how they're coming along!

In other news, the NOCF charity raffle that includes the Orks I'd worked on has gone live, and here's the scoop on how you can get your hands on some sweet models for a great cause! Info courtesy of the ever-amazing Dave Taylor:

Raffle tickets are now on sale, and can be purchased HERE. And 95% of all money raised from the raffles goes directly to the various charities we support - Doctors Without Borders, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and The Fisher House Foundation.

Important things to note are:

• You can buy tickets from anywhere in the world!
• We will ship to ANYWHERE in the world with a valid mailing address!
• You DO NOT have to be present at the NOVA Open to win!
• A minimum spend of $10 is required.

Please spread the word, and this link ( and help us raise more money than in any previous year!


  1. Looking fantastic. The earthy yellows really complement the deep purple. Awesome stuff

  2. I like the white contrast with the Purple, very Emperors Children ;)

    I've already entered the raffle, great cause and prizes.

  3. Those are coming along nicely. In particular I like the green whip.

    Curious about the eyes on these. Do you use the flesh tone to neaten them up after?

  4. @Andrew: Thanks very much!

    @Siph_Horridus: Hah! I'll admit to toying with the idea of some Emperor's Children for my next Heresy project!

    @Rory Priest: Cheers, man! Aye, I'll be going back in and touching up the overspill in a subsequent highlighting stage once the pupils are painted in.

    Thanks for the kind words, folks!
